It’s a fascinating word, “Change.” It means different things and certainly evokes a variety of feelings in us. For some of us, change is exciting and hopeful. For others of us, change evokes a sense of dread and fear, or at least, uncertainty. Here at Valley Pastoral Counseling Center there have been some changes taking place and there are changes that are coming. Like any non-profit during this time of COVID and all its related health and safety concerns, we have been through many unforeseen changes over the last year like moving, primarily, to doing telehealth. This was a change to which we were all quite resistant but was clearly essential.
This thing, psychotherapy, that has a great deal to do with what happens between people in a common space and in the relationship, has shifted to one of screens and wires and technology. It has shifted from three dimensions to two. There is much that could be written about the changes that have been. Some of the changes have been dreaded but necessary. There are changes that have brought a sense of relief and even some peace. There are changes that have been a mixed bag of good and bad and difficult. All-in-all we are so grateful we have been able to continue to serve and care for those in our community, and in some cases farther away in Virginia, by this forced change.
And then there are the many changes that we are in the midst of and those that are coming. There are the societal changes like many getting vaccinated and some people feeling increasing freedom to move about. There are the changes that are coming with increased folks returning to offices and schools and then travel and summer plans. And there are also changes happening here at Valley Pastoral. While they are too numerous to name (those that are happening and those that are coming), I want to highlight a few of the bigger ones.
Changes happening at VPCC this year:
As of March 31st, Ms. Emilie Thomas stepped down as Executive Director to pursue some of her passions (see her article). We are both sad and happy for this change. We are sad because Ms. Thomas is a wonderful Executive Director and we are so grateful for her time serving in that role here. She has done an amazing job! We are also happy for her to be making this change in her practice and we can’t wait to see what happens!
As of April 1st, Ms. Melissa Hansen, stepped out of the role of Outreach Coordinator and into the role of Executive Director. At the same time, Ms. Sarah Simmons stepped into the role of Outreach Coordinator. We are excited to see how they bring fresh energy to these roles.
Some of the therapists are slowly moving away from telehealth and back into in-person sessions here in the office. Of course, all of the therapy process is different than it used to be, as our waiting room remains closed, and many in-person sessions still require both parties to remain masked. We continue to take many precautions and it will be a very long time (2022 anyone?) before things look as they were pre-pandemic.
As already stated, the changes are far too numerous to name, but they are coming and here at VPCC we are trying to have an openness and a flexibility, while also being wise and discerning about timing and the way in which the changes occur. It is requiring a level of thoughtfulness and flexibility, while maintaining empathy and grace for one another, and for everyone in our community that we serve. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!